Corporate Smalltalk Consulting Ltd, makers of Large Viewer and other fine Apps, respects your privacy. We want you to know what we do (and do not do) with the information we collect from you.
The Information We Collect & How We Use It
If you simply browse through our site, we collect certain non-personal information by automatic operation through our site’s servers, such as the IP address of the computer you are using, and the date and time you accessed our site; along with interfacing to Google Analytics to help analyze how users utilize our site.
If you visit our FaceBook site facebook.com/LargeViewer then additional policies apply which can be found here.
Our usage of the analytics data which Google collects, is within their terms of use here.
You can opt out of Google’s advertising tracking cookie here, or use a browser plugin to opt out of all Google Analytics tracking software here.
Any other information we collect is initiated by you via phone, email or feedback within iOS Apps to deal with problem resolutions, training, product information and/or improvement requests.
We may request documents, screen shots or samples to solve problems, however you are under no obligation to provide them. If documents are of a sensitive nature, you may request us to fill out an NDA before providing them to us.
Data Security and Protection
As a British Columbia registered Canadian corporation, we comply with the Canadian Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act here, and the Personal Information Protection Act here. In addition, we have completed a Canadian Small Business Privacy Plan via here.
The security of the information you may give us is of the utmost importance to us. Any email or documents you send us via your iOS device or computers is stored via Google Apps for Business, which discuss security and privacy concerns via here & here.
Some data may be entered into our corporate problem tracking system, which is hosted in Canada, either by our staff, a crash reporting system, or via some apps that host JIRA feedback reporting that collect voice/image, or textual data you supplied.
For WorldPulse users, some data is also governed by the terms here. However starting in 2014 this data will move to a server we control in Canada.
For iOS crash statistics/metrics, most products will prompt for permission to send it to our server. If you grant permission, no personally identifiable data is transmitted. The following may also apply from here or starting in 2014, here
We use SSL & two factor authentication for email, and store any client documents on Apple encrypted hard disks, on encrypted backup storage or on IOS encrypted devices protected by passcodes. We do not share or show that material to anyone outside of our company without your permission. Only staff members, or consultants, who have a need to know for testing and engineering purposes are given limited access to customer documents.
You should be aware that no transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be entirely secure. We are not responsible for matters outside our direct control. Such as how your email service deals with the privacy of your email and attached documents, before delivery to our trusted email server. Or how such information is protected once we give it to your email provider. Since we move data across the USA border using SSL the data is recorded by the NSA for at least five years, it is unknown if that encryption is defeated. Access to any data in Canada requires a warrant, this is not the case in the USA.

For encryption concerns, please email us here to discuss your needs. We have an Encryption Registration Number on file with the U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of Industry and Security.
Our Apps
Large Viewer does not collect location information. However to enable multi-page TIFF support access to location information must be granted because TIFFs can contain geo-location data. Failure to grant access will make multi-page TIFFs unreadable.
If you choose to send us diagnostic data, we collect your iOS device's publicly readable console log and our internal meta data about your documents, such as the file name, creation date, type and size. No information within your documents is sent to us.
If you send us crash reports either manually or if they are automatically sent, no personally identifiable data is transmitted. If asked, we will supply you with a readable copy of any material we receive from you if we can identify the crash report based on your description and event timing.
This policy applies to all our Apps. However before mid 2013 CanOpener, Fax2PDF and CanOpener Lite additionally use Google iOS Analytics to collect usage metrics and anonymous location data.
Our in-app purchase-enabled apps anonymously collect iOS device type and operating system version information. In addition, when you make purchases, the apps record Apple's encrypted receipt and validation information. This serves as validation that the transaction was successful. The transaction information recorded is documented here. This data is governed by the terms here. In 2014 this data will moved to a server we control in Canada.
WorldPulse & WorldPulsePro will collect location data, if you choose to ask for the weather at your location. This is done by you granting access to your location information via the initial prompt or via Apple's Settings app. (You must choose the app setting "My Location" in order to receive weather conditions at your device location.)
This Privacy Policy
Use of our website, Facebook page or Apps constitutes your agreement and understanding of this policy. We reserve the right to modify, update or alter this Privacy Policy at any time.
Any privacy questions or concerns not covered here should be addressed to us here.
Updated Dec 18th 2014